Upper Ottawa Animal Hospital does provide full surgical services for all surgeries both elective and non-elective. Essentially, elective surgery refers to those requested by pet owners for the benefit of their companion. These are usually most commonly related to spaying or neutering. Non-elective surgery is usually a procedure recommended by your veterinarian due to physical exam findings or as a result of other diagnostic tests such as x-rays or blood work.
The most common types of non-elective surgeries performed at UOAH are:
- surgical removal of growths of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
- treatment of abscesses and other wounds or lacerations
- cystotomy-removal of mineral stones from your pet’s urinary system
- abdominal surgery to remove intestinal obstructions or masses; foreign body surgery
- dental surgery, which can mean from a 1 tooth extraction to a full mouth tooth extraction
Using state of the art surgical instrumentation and anaesthesia, the team at UOAH can provide a safe surgical outcome for your pet. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our surgical services; 905-388-0770.