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What to Expect

Veterinary Service with Courtesy & Respect!

When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted by our friendly and courteous client care advocates. Your pet will be weighed and if allowed, offered a cookie, and then you will be guided to one of our examination rooms. Our goal is to see all of our clients and patients on time, and although we have contingencies for emergencies, there will be times where the unexpected will create delays. We will ensure these are minimized as much as possible.

Once a year, you should take your pet in for an annual health examination.  This will include a full physical exam, and may include laboratory work, stool sample analysis and other diagnostics if needed.  Dr. Kojic will check the health of your pet from head to tail. Further diagnostic work up and treatment if necessary will be planned accordingly. Please allow yourself 30 minutes for a routine healthy pet exam, most re-check exams are shorter in length.  Please note that sick pet exam may take longer; Dr. Kojic believes in following up with all treatments and patients.

We also do house calls for established clients with special circumstances.  If you are our client and would like to discuss a house call, please call us at 905-388-0770.